A new partnership between the Hatteras Village Civic Association and the Hatteras Island Ocean Center has evolved into a commitment to manage the facility, providing unique experiential learning opportunities on the Outer Banks in beautiful Hatteras Village.
We, at the Ocean Center, strive to:
- Partner with the local community and provide opportunities to students and volunteers to collaborate with organizations and schools in citizen science projects and community outreach events.
- Provide interdisciplinary experiential learning opportunities to students at local universities.
- Provide local college students opportunities to lead educational programs that demonstrate the importance of wildlife conservation and public history.

Hatteras Island Ocean Center, INC
A nonprofit 501(c)(3) community effort made possible with the generous help of our volunteers, contributors, and supporters. Donations are tax deductible.
Governing Board:
- Shirley Wicker: Director, Hatteras Island Ocean Center
- Amy Thompson
- Katherine McGlade
- Kelli Allen
- Karla Jarvis