
Make Your Own Wetland Learn what makes wetlands are so special by making your own wetland. (Supplies provided.)
Salt Marsh Clean-up Crew Worms, fungus, and bacteria, oh my! Learn about how these organisms clean up the salt marsh and what we can do to help clean up our planet.
Beach in a Box The sand on our beach never stops moving. Through our simulation, learn how sand travels and why sand travel is so important to the Outer Banks.
Coming soon: Animal Meet and Greet Come say hello to or two creature friends: the eastern box turtle and eastern rat snake.
Solar Flair How does sunshine become electricity? Come and explore solar energy and take a look at the solar garden right next door.
Where Does My Water Go? Explore water pollution sources and pollution prevention in a coastal area using a 3D coastal landscape model. Hands-on activities bring to life the impacts on wetlands, estuaries, oceans, beaches, barrier islands, groundwater, coral reefs, shellfish beds and more.
Marsh Walk Join us for a stroll down our boardwalk and let’s explore what lives in our marsh.
Trash Talk Did you know that fishing line can take 600 years or longer to decompose? Come talk trash with us.