Make Your Own Wetland | Learn what makes wetlands are so special by making your own wetland. (Supplies provided.) |
Salt Marsh Clean-up Crew | Worms, fungus, and bacteria, oh my! Learn about how these organisms clean up the salt marsh and what we can do to help clean up our planet. |
Beach in a Box | The sand on our beach never stops moving. Through our simulation, learn how sand travels and why sand travel is so important to the Outer Banks. |
Coming soon: Animal Meet and Greet | Come say hello to or two creature friends: the eastern box turtle and eastern rat snake. |
Solar Flair | How does sunshine become electricity? Come and explore solar energy and take a look at the solar garden right next door. |
Where Does My Water Go? | Explore water pollution sources and pollution prevention in a coastal area using a 3D coastal landscape model. Hands-on activities bring to life the impacts on wetlands, estuaries, oceans, beaches, barrier islands, groundwater, coral reefs, shellfish beds and more. |
Marsh Walk | Join us for a stroll down our boardwalk and let’s explore what lives in our marsh. |
Trash Talk | Did you know that fishing line can take 600 years or longer to decompose? Come talk trash with us. |